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We know the real benefits of having a diverse community of staff and students, people who value each other. People who appreciate the contribution that each individual makes, who help us to be an open and accessible university, and deliver teaching and research that makes a difference. Here on campus we focus on moving from good to great and we’re all a part of making that happen.
That’s why we’re fully committed to promoting equality and eliminating discrimination for all staff, students, applicants and visitors. 
We are long-term supporters of and are proud to be a member of Stonewall’s Diversity Champions program (see .
We offer a number of self-managed employee networks including our LGBT Staff Forum and a Women’s Network which offer support, guidance and the opportunity to contribute to our equality and diversity agenda.
Our policies on equality and diversity, and harassment and bullying, apply to all aspects of staff and student activity within the University. We expect everyone to support and implement all of our equality policies and ensure that their behaviour and/or actions don't amount to discrimination or harassment in any way. 
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, we have an approved Equality Scheme in place here at the University. This provides you with more information about the current equality objectives we are working towards.

Supporting colleagues with disabilities

We welcome applications from people with disabilities. We’ll seek to make reasonable adjustments to our workplace so that disabled colleagues aren’t placed at a disadvantage compared to other colleagues. As an employer we also have links to the which can be especially helpful in supporting people with disabilities.