Geology students on field trip
As part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, your university experience will be enhanced through practical application of what you have learned in a range of exciting field courses. These field-based activities take advantage of the beautiful natural laboratory surrounding the University and extend to national and overseas venues.Ìý
All of our undergraduate programmes offer no-cost field course options, which will be financially supported by the University. Some alternative fieldwork options involve travel to more expensive destinations. The University will contribute an allowance towards the cost of field trips on your course, while additional costs will necessitate some contribution by the student and depend on the destination(s). In previous years this has been in the range £0–2,000 (Sept 2022).*
For all programmes of study there will be a zero-cost field course option.Ìý
*Fieldwork costs are subject to global inflation, making it difficult to comprehensively forecast pricing. The University will endeavour to revise the expected estimation of costs on an annual basis.Ìý
Examples of some of the exciting field trip destinations offered in the Faculty of Science and Engineering include:
School of Biological and Marine Sciences
  • South Africa Ìý
  • Costa Rica
  • Sweden
  • Portugal
  • the Netherlands
  • Brittany
  • the Isles of Scilly
  • Slapton Ley
  • Kenya
School of Geography, Earth and Environment Sciences
  • the USA (Pacific North West)
  • the USA (Death Valley)Ìý
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Sweden
  • Brittany
  • Dorset
  • Cornwall
  • diverse local environments

More information on the fieldwork available on your course

You can take a zero-cost route through your course but there may be some additional costs if you choose an optional field course.
Students are expected to meet their normal study costs (books, stationery, printing etc.). However, we do supply laboratory coats and kits and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for fieldwork and labwork.Ìý
There may also be costs relating to residential fieldwork. The Faculty runs an extensive fieldwork programme, which is an exciting feature of our courses. Field courses vary in cost according to their location and length.Ìý
Please note that several programmes run a compulsory residential field course.Ìý
Environmental biology students on fieldwork in the Azores