Small tin whisker

3D reconstruction of porous materials through FIB-SEM

“3D reconstruction of porous material enables understanding and representation of porosity and interconnectivity towards simulation modelling.”
An exploration of the porosity and its interconnectivity.
diatomite image

3D Printing a Coccolithophore from FIB-SEM Data

“This has enabled true 3D visualisation of a coccolithophore.”
A case study showing how a single coccolithophore can be 3D printed.
Photo of 3D printed coccolithiphore

Dynamics of formation and secretion of heterococcoliths by Coccolithus pelagicus

“This work has allowed us a better understanding of coccolithogenesis in heterococcoliths.”
A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) case study.
SEM image ofCoccolithus pelagicus

The effect of different post-electroplating surface modification treatments on tin whisker growth

“This work has enabled further understanding on the role the oxide layer plays in mitigating whisker growth.”
Studying how different oxide coatings affects tin whisker growth.
Tin whisker breaking through a cracked molybdate conversion coating

Microscopic study of (assemblies of) nano-objects

“Compared to conventional electron tomography in TEM, FIB-SEM serial sectioning tomography allows for much larger assembly supra-particles to be imaged with no special preparation beforehand.”
2D and 3D imaging of supra-particles.

Testing the Capabilities of Automated Mineralogy in Mining

“Automated Mineralogy shows advantages over standard Electron Microscopy techniques for mine sample characterisation.”
Analysing Mineralogic in respect to resource recovery in the mining industry.
BSE and Mineral Montage Kelly

Using EBSD to visualise the grain structure of electroplated tin and its intermetallic compounds, relating to tin whisker growth

“This is a “live” case study that will be periodically updated until ready for publication.”
Using various EBSD techniques to analyse the grain structure of electroplated tin at varying thicknesses on different substrates.
Band contrast and phase EBSD map of tin on copper. With the blue representing tin, green representing the IMCs and red representing
copper. The step size was set to 25 nm.