lgbt+ staff network logoÌý

Equality, diversity and inclusion is the responsibility of us all and creating an inclusive environment is only possible if individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, promote positive respectful behaviour. By having visible LGBT allies we can promote a safe environment for LGBT staff and students to be themselves.

An LGBT ally is anyone who wishes to publically support the LGBT community and is committed to equality and creating an inclusive environment where everyone can be themselves; by pledging your support your will receive a rainbow lanyard.

To sign up as an LGBT+ ally, please email us on and tell us why you want to be an ally and what you feel you can contribute. 

Welcome to the LGBT+ Staff Network

The University of Plymouth LBGT+ Staff Network is a place to meet peers, make friends, and have fun! We are here to provide a safe place where you can be yourself and spend time with colleagues who understand your experiences.Ìý
This is a confidential and inclusive space; we encourage all LGBT+ staff to join including those outside the acronym, whether or not you are ‘out’ to other colleagues.Ìý
The LBGT+ Staff Network is also an opportunity for our individual voices to come together, so that as a group, we can raise issues, contribute to the University’s EDI policy, and help ensure the workplace culture is welcoming for everyone at the University.
pride flags

Our aims:

  • To provide an opportunity for LGBT+ staff to network both inside and outside the University and to offer possibilities for social and professional peer support.
  • Create visibility for the LGBT+ staff community at the University of Plymouth and act as an information / welcome point for new LGBT+ staff and all new colleagues.
  • Be a safe point of contact for all LGBT+ staff.
  • Support the development of an LGBT+ friendly culture at the University of Plymouth.
  • Provide first level support to LGBT+ staff who feel they are being bullied or harassed on the grounds of sexual orientation or sexual identity.
  • Raise awareness of issues affecting our LGBT+ staff, especially those affecting bi, transgender, gender diverse, non-binary, and gender non-conforming staff.
  • Advise and give feedback on University policy development and associated practice.
  • To provide information and training to allow our non-LGBT+ colleagues to be effective LGBT+ Allies and support the LGBT+ staff and students at the University.

Join us

We have four levels of membership including joining us as a non-LGBT+ Ally:
  • – Happy to be a public face of the LGBT+ Staff Network
  • – Invited to meetings but only other members can contact you
  • – Supporting the network but do not want your membership to be known
  • – You do not identify as LGBT+ but want to be an ally and support the network
Membership is confidential by default and you should be given protected time in your workload to engage with staff networks. All staff (including UPSU, UCSP staff and PhD students) can join a staff network. Members receive a pin badge when they join and allies receive a rainbow lanyard and are invited to a training course.

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Latest news

We love to share our exciting news and developments on how we are supporting staff and students at the University, as well as our work in the local community.Ìý
For the very latest news, follow us on Twitter
If you want to get in touch with us, simply or email

Support and training

LGBT+ Allies training

What does it mean to be an LGBT+ Ally? How can you actually make a difference?Ìý
This course is here to help! Being an LGBT+ Ally isn't just about wearing a rainbow lanyard and going to Pride each year; it is about offering real, tangible support to the LGBT+ community. This course will provide delegates with the skills to tackle homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in the workplace in an interactive and fun session with members of the LGBT+ Staff Network.
pride fist bump
pride flags on hoe

LGBT+ Allies Network

Are you passionate about supporting your LGBT+ colleagues and students? If you identify as heterosexual and/or cisgender but still want to help the University of Plymouth address LGBT+ equality then you may wish to join our vibrant LGBT+ Allies Network!
By signing up as an ally you will receive a new rainbow lanyard to wear around campus and take part in LGBT+ Allies training so you can learn about the challenges faced by LGBT+ people and how best to support them. In addition, throughout the year you will be invited to social events, seminars and training courses to help you make the most out of your role as an LGBT+ Ally.Ìý

LGBT+ inclusion maps

We want to help you settle in and feel comfortable bringing your whole self to campus and our inclusion planner and inclusion maps are here to help.
Gender-neutral toilets: The University of Plymouth supports our trans and non-binary staff and students in using the toilets they feel most comfortable in. You have every right to feel safe in the toilet you choose. If you would prefer to use a gender-neutral toilet then use this to find your closest one.Ìý
LGBT+ Breathing Spaces: Sometimes life can overwhelm us, and we need a bit of space. The University of Plymouth LGBT+ Staff Network has set up a network of ‘breathing spaces’ across the University campus, these LGBT+ inclusive spaces are quiet places where you can take a mindfulness break to use when they need to pause and find a few moments of calm in their busy lives. If you would like your work area to become an LGBT+ Breathing Space please email and
Gender neutral toilet map

Our people

Neil Gillett, LGBT+ staff network image

LGBT+ Senior Ally, Mr Neil GillettÌý

The LGBT+ Staff Network are very proud to introduce Mr Neil Gillett, the Head of Student Services as our new senior champion.

LGBT+ Staff Network Committee

LGBT+ Staff Network Committee (postgraduate members)

  • Lisa Coombes

    Dr Lisa Coombes, MClinEd student

    LGBT+ Staff Network Trans Rep