Teamwork concept with paper chain group of people holding hands. Shutterstock

What is a placement year and work based learning?

We've provided a wealth of information about placement years and work-based learning on our Careers and employability pages.

Students undertaking nursing and health professions placements 

Placement learning support for nursing and health professions students within the Faculty of Health.

Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs)

Students with disabilities may be eligible for , whilst on placement. The following is a guide, for more accurate information please arrange an appointment with a Disability Advisor who will be able to confirm your DSA status for your placement and provide further advice:

  • Sandwich courses and work placements students on part-year paid or unpaid placements where the periods of full-time study in the academic year are 10 weeks or more in aggregate are potentially eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs).
  • Students are not eligible for grants for living and other costs, including DSAs, in any academic year of a sandwich course where the periods of full-time study are in aggregate less than 10 weeks (unless the period of work experience is an unpaid placement of a certain type.
  • Students undertaking certain types of unpaid work experience in the public or voluntary sectors are potentially eligible for grants for living and other costs, including DSAs (even where the periods of full-time study in the academic year are less than 10 weeks in aggregate).

What is access to work?

Access to Work is a government support programme* aimed at helping people start and stay in work. The work can be full or part-time paid work whether permanent, casual or temporary. Access to Work can help pay for support you may need because of a disability or a long term physical or mental health condition. The money does not have to be paid back and it will not affect any other benefits you receive.

Below are some examples of the sort of help available:

  • special equipment
  • money towards any extra travel costs to and from work if you can’t use available public transport
  • someone to help you at a job interview
  • a support worker or job coach to help you in your workplace
  • a note taker
  • disability awareness training for your colleagues.
*The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are not covered by Access to Work and there is a different service in Northern Ireland.

How to apply

The quickest and easiest way to apply is online at .

You can also apply by calling Jobcentre Plus on: 0345 268 8489.

Access to Work will ask you what support you need. They will also contact your employer for more information.

Further information

The link below will take you to a useful factsheet: .