Hannah Fleming-Hill, BSc (Hons) Events Management and MSc Entrepreneurship graduate, Plymouth Business School
Plymouth Business School delivers industry-led programmes that equip graduates with the right skills not only to be successful in their careers, but also to have a fulfilled life.Ìý

A responsible business school

We are committed to good business practice and social, economic and environmental responsibility. We strive to develop value-driven graduates who understand the importance of sustainability and corporate responsibility and are aware of their impact on society and the planet.

Our research-active community produces high quality multi and interdisciplinary research of local, national and international importance

Explore our subject areasÌý

Learn more about teaching, research and careers across different business subject areas

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) values are integrated throughout our school across all aspects of operations, including teaching, research, and community involvement.

Plymouth Business School news

SNaM stress anxiety headache sickness depression
Working from home isn’t enough, new report says

A new report co-led by Dr Jasmine Kelland and Pillars of Wellness and Wellbeing CIC highlights how mothers need more workplace wellbeing support

10 March 2024

Fitzroy Building

The University of Plymouth is creating an exciting new space for the Plymouth Business School in which current and future students can foster the knowledge and enthusiasm that they will need to achieve their ambitions. Work is underway at the heart of our city centre campus.Ìý
Watch our video visualising what the new building will look like.Ìý
Plymouth Business School
* Plymouth Business School has been awarded the status of located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. The IACBE grants accreditation for business and accounting programs only. Locations and delivery modes for program offerings are at the sole discretion of the Member. For a listing of the degrees eligible for accreditation, please view our .Ìý